Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A House as a Canvas:

When I lived in the Bay Area, I would drive by this house in Oakland, California once a week for over a year. Over that year it went through various color variations: from white, to a white with splotchy blue patches (reminiscent of the sky), to other blues, to green and yellow combinations. When I moved away, it still hadn't settled into an aesthetic. I wish I had documented it from the beginning—it just took me so long to realize what was going on. The photographs above are taken within a months interval. Sometimes the color would change every week, sometimes it would be more than a month. I was always curious if the owners were slowly (over a years time) deciding on an exterior color for their home, or whether they were just doing color experiments with their house as a canvas. Whatever the case, it was interesting to see the house take on different forms through color.